Netflix security guards
Netflix’s story is very exciting. This company is an example of adaptation, innovation, and continuous change. That is why we are so honored to be a security provider company for Netflix productions seen around the world.
A story of success
Netflix emerged in 1997 in California as a DVD rental company delivered by mail.
A year later, they launched a DVD rental and sales website because it was booming at the time and filled a need in the local target.
In 1999, they even launched a subscription service that allowed people to rent an unlimited number of DVDs without the strict measures of conventional DVD stores.
As a result of strategic business decisions, Netflix went public in 2002 for $1 per share; from that moment on, it continued to innovate with features and benefits for subscribers.
It is in 2007 when it launches its streaming service, where people could watch movies and series instantly. And in 2013 it began to make the first Netflix original series of equal or better quality than television productions of the biggest networks. And, finally, in 2015, Netflix published its first original feature film and the first non-English speaking original. This is how in 20 years Netflix goes from being a local DVD rental service to a global streaming firm with original shows, series, and movies.
Our services to Netflix
Today, we want to share this story that inspires us because we have the installed capacity, professionalism, and experience to provide Netflix’s original productions security guard services.
- We guarantee the highest specialization in the protection of cast, staff, and equipment, 24 hours a day for this kind of business.
- We offer comprehensive solutions and the ability to create and maintain a top level of security for companies like Netflix, in the film and entertainment industry located in California.
- We have put measures in place to ensure that all our client’s information and security details are kept strictly confidential.
We are proud to be not only suppliers but security consultants for companies with such prestige and experience in the film and entertainment industry.
If you need more info about our services, please, contact us.